Friday, February 8, 2013

Orange County Plastic Surgery Practice Announces 'Skype Lift'

In a world where each year demands more productivity out of the same 24 hours, video conferencing is becoming an increasingly common practice. But the new paradigm has also meant that making a good first impression now includes looking one's best as well. To address this need, CosmetiCare ( has launched a new service called the 'Skype Lift.'

"The importance of making a good first impression hasn't changed, but the methods for making that first impression certainly have," says Dr. Michael Niccole, founder of CosmetiCare in Orange County. "With a BOTOX treatment or a little liposuction, you can look as great in HD as you do in real life."

A 'Skype Lift' combines several procedures to deliver more comprehensive results, specifically designed to help patients look better online. Injections of BOTOX Cosmetic can be used to prevent the facial muscles from contracting into frown lines, while liposuction can remove the appearance of a double chin. A brow lift and eye lift can work together to help patients look younger and more refreshed, while a facelift can remove years from the face along with more pronounced wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Noninvasive techniques, like laser skin resurfacing and injectable fillers, can also be used for fine-tuning away older, damaged skin cells and reduce the visible symptoms of age.

"Even a minor procedure can make a big difference on camera," says Dr. Niccole. "In the end, think of it as just another investment you make for your professional career, just like wearing the right wardrobe and networking with the right industry insiders."

Self-presentation on various social media channels has become almost an art form, especially with the popularity of high-definition resolution. Whether working on a live business conference via Skype and other real-time video methods, or posting still photos taken by phone or webcam, these electronic images are bringing a new level of awareness to the issue of self-image.

"They say the camera adds 10 pounds," adds Dr. Burr von Maur, another plastic surgeon at the practice. "Well, the webcam adds an exponential number of lines and wrinkles, not to mention bags under the eyes. Suddenly the face we see in the mirror on a daily basis looks older, saggier and in need of some serious pick-me-up."

Many minor skin imperfections that are less visible in person to the naked eye become magnified and emphasized when combined with the less-flattering lighting of conference room overheads and the sharpness of high-resolution webcams and computer screens. Appearance flaws that were either unnoticed or minor previously now become glaringly emphasized.

Looking attractive and alert lends an air of competency to any employee's demeanor, while looking worn-out and aging can have the opposite effect. With the increasing competitiveness in today's struggling workforce, key players simply can't afford to look ready for retirement. This added workplace pressure is leading more top-shelf executives to seek an answer through cosmetic surgery.

"Patients are asking for more facelifts in Orange County for the sole basis of looking better on camera," explains Dr. Sami Hamamji, a third plastic surgeon practicing at CosmetiCare. "In person, their appearance may seem nearly flawless, but a high level of professionalism has to include looking youthful and energetic in every medium, including Skype."

CosmetiCare ( was founded in 1982 by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Niccole. Serving thousands of patients each year, CosmetiCare is an award-winning practice that has become one of the most recognized names in aesthetic services in Southern California and throughout the nation. The company offers two locations, in Orange County and in Long Beach. In addition to Dr. Niccole, CosmetiCare's team of medical professionals includes Dr. Burr von Maur and Dr. Sami Hamamji.

Dr. Michael Niccole
1101 Bayside Drive, Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA
US 92625
Voice: 949-718-6900

Orange County Plastic Surgery Practice Announces 'Skype Lift'

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