Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Da Vinci Robot Lawsuits Increase As System Deployment Becomes More Widespread, States Audet and Partners, LLP

In the little over ten years since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved use of the da Vinci Surgical System for prostate surgery, the number of da Vinci procedures performed worldwide last year exceeded 450,000*. At a purchase price exceeding $1.5 million, doctors and hospitals are quickly deploying these units as they attempt to realize a return on this investment. Procedures undertaken with the da Vinci system now account for more than 85% of prostate surgeries, a more expansive rate of market adoption than other transformative high-technology innovations including the cell phone and personal computer.*

William Audet, an attorney with Audet and Partners, LLP, notes an uptick in patients contacting his office after undergoing surgery performed with the da Vinci System. "My firm is receiving inquiries most every day from individuals who have suffered debilitating side effects after undergoing da Vinci procedures. We understand that there is a significant learning curve for doctors performing this technical procedure, and we are of the opinion that the rate at which Intuitive has amassed market share has perhaps eclipsed the ability of doctors and hospitals to obtain adequate training on these devices," states Mr. Audet.

As a result, believes Mr. Audet, an increasing number of lawsuits against Intuitive are alleging inadequate professional training being provided to surgeons performing these procedures**. The issue of training adequacy is at the forefront of a currently pending trial in Washington State (Estate of Fred E. Taylor v. Intuitive Surgical Inc., 09-2-03136-5, Superior Court, State of Washington, Kitsap County).

If you, or one close to you has suffered injuries after undergoing a medical procedure with the da Vinci Surgical System, you are urged to contact Audet and Partners, LLP for a free case evaluation at (800) 965-1461, or by visiting our website at http://www.davinci-surgical-robot-lawsuit.com.

** (Bloomberg, March 21, 2013) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-21/intuitive-robosurgery-training-seen-lacking-in-lawsuits.html

More information you can also find on website: Prostate Cancer Treatments

News source: PRWeb

Da Vinci Robot Lawsuits Increase As System Deployment Becomes More Widespread, States Audet and Partners, LLP

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